10 Impactful Ways To Help Children Read More

Books are truly a man's most loyal friend. Reading is also the best medium to increase one's knowledge. An ardent reader has far a better attention span and greater analytical qualities than a non-reader. Moreover, a dedicated reader is always in the company of a book ang thus, never feels alone. It is one of the most constructive hobbies that shape the opinions of a person for his\her childhood. At an overwhelmingly internet-dependent time like this, a well-wishing parent will score brownie points for adhering to the stop below to inculcate reading habits among children. 1. Give them pictorial books Children love pictorial elements as they bring a lot of joy. As they grow, they find interest in text which has to be read, understood and then enjoyed. Thus, you should give your 1-year-olds pictorial books with 3D cut-outs unfolding from the pages to surprise and delight children. As they grow, comic books and short anthologies with a lot of illustrations will sustain th...